Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Building The Relevant Quiz Activity On Your LMS

To measure the effectiveness of learning (or skill competence level), setting up Quiz (or examination session) becomes a very common practice inside a Learning Management System (LMS).

Types of Interactive Quiz Formats: Multiple-Choice Questions, True/false, Match-The-Pair, Fill-in the gaps are only some of the sample questions formats. The following diagram shows available Quiz format from Docebo.

Most of LMS vendors come with excellent process flow for the course creators to design Quiz. Some of the related parameters include: "Set Level of Difficulty (of each question)" "Score of answer mark correctly" "Score of answer mark incorrectly" The underneath diagram, also from Docebo, can elaborate that.

Quiz Time Limit (Quiz Duration): Each LMS does offer flexibility in setting up quiz time limit, where it definitely has something to do with the number of questions to be displayed, level of knowledge being involved, the length of question statements, and course arrangement. The writer of this blog senses that 15-seconds would be a good arrangement for single-selection question, 30-seconds, multiple selections questions.

Quiz Availability: In some of the courses, the instructor will set the time frame where a Quiz session can be started and when it will not longer be available. This is a good practice for "Class-room oriented" sessions. It is believed that some of the courses in Coursera is managing the very same way. However, in some of the LMS, courses are delivered to Channel Partners or System Integrators. Under such circumstances, we shall allow greatest availability for each Quiz session, if any, to meet their most work schedule convenience.

The following diagram shows the Quiz Availability in Moodle.

Quiz Reviews: Are you providing the function for the learners to review the Quiz being taken? Some of the LMS is able to show the correct / incorrect, right after each question being answered. That would give the learned immediate refreshment. However, some of the course instructor prefer the students to retake the Quiz a few times, once the passing score is reached.

The writer of this blog also creates "Feedback" session for the Quiz. It allows the Quiz takers to make some of the comments or even address questions. They assist the Examination Committee getting a different thoughts when designing those questions.

The following diagram presents Question behavior options in Moodle.

Again, the purpose of developing Quiz is to make an assessment, ensuring the understanding of stated learning materials. Ensuring your learning materials would be clearly digested and practiced, that would make much sense. Your Quiz really should point to that direction.

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